My Portfolio

3D VR Simulation

Presented in the Second LIfe® Virtual World

Virtual Standardized Patient

The objective of this project was to design a simulation program utilizing a virtual standardized patient within the Second Life® virtual world. Students were instructed on how to create an avatar and enter the USF Campus in Second Life. Students then travel to an exam room in the USF medical center practice their patient-centered counseling skills with an adolescent standardized patient who uses chewing tobacco.

Tools I used: Second Life internal modeling and scripting software | VERG AI engine

My Roles on the Project: Project Manager | Creative Director | 3D Modeling & Animation | Machine Learning Developer

As the Project Manager, I coordinated with the many designers, SMEs and both internal and external stakeholders who worked together to successfully launch this virtual simulation. 

We partnered with the USF College of Medicine Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Undergraduate MD faculty at USF, the USF COM Office of Educational Affairs as well as the Virtual Experiences Research Group (VERG) at the University of Florida in order to implement the groundbreaking technology that powered the AI-driven standardized patient simulators that participated in the scenarios.